Gin and lime were meant to be together. More so even than Gin and
THE BLUE BEETLE is not a common gin. Inspired by the character of the elusive king of beetles that is not frequently found in nature, it is enigmatic, captivating, elegant and sophisticated.
Crafted after rigorous and lengthy research on the ingredients and raw materials. Made to a secret recipe of 18+1 herbs and botanicals with one being never disclosed. That is what makes THE BLUE BEETLE a uniquely distinctive gin.
Just like the Blue Beetle sometimes changes slowly or rapidly from iridescent blue to reddish, so too does THE BLUE BEETLE London Dry Gin change its colour when skillfully mixed in cocktails.
In much the same way, the unconventional THE BLUE BEETLE Gin changes its color when combined expertly in cocktails. An elegant and sophisticated gin made to a recipe of 18+1 carefully selected herbs and botanicals, produced in small batches of 6.000 bottles. An enigmatic, captivating gin with a smooth and lingering taste.
is not a common Gin
is an elegant and sophisticated gin,
produced in small batches of 6.000 bottles.
Gin and lime were meant to be together. More so even than Gin and
A Simple, Fruity and Tempting Cocktail Ingredients SERVINGS: MAKES 1 2 ounces Blue Beetle London
Ingredients SERVINGS: MAKES 1 8 fresh mint leaves, slapped 3 oz. Blue Beetle London
Why isn’t this Prohibition-era recipe, a brilliant combination of Gin and honey, more widely
it was in 2014 when MARLEO LTD was created from people with long experience in the international spirits market and a high level of ambition. Based in Cyprus with an aim to offer selective and exceptional products, in limited volumes, for consumers who know to appreciate refined and unique spirits.
With an experienced network of specialized partners, MARLEO focuses on raw materials, recipes and local producers that are in total alignment with its philosophy to create high quality spirit brands that will be distinguished and successfully developed in the international spirits market.
8B Michael Karaoli, Egkomi
2404 – NICOSIA,
info@marleoltd.com | www.marleoltd.com